Garage Door Mold Mitigation Strategies

Mold can multiply by producing minuscule mold spores. Damp, dark conditions provide mold with a favorable place to grow. If your garage's indoor environment has prompted the growth of mold on the interior side of the garage door, use some repair and cleaning strategies to mitigate the mold.

Dry Out The Garage And Eliminate Drafts

The use of a dehumidifier will remove the moisture content within the garage. Before performing this step, you will need to make sure that the garage is structurally sound. Drafts will account for the warm, humid air that has been promoting mold growth. Windows should contain a thermal barrier around them. Expandable foam, caulk, or weather stripping should be secured around all of the sides of each window frame.

The garage door will contain a seal along the bottom of it. This seal may consist of a rubber gasket that is secured to the bottom edge of the door. If the gasket has become loose or torn, a new seal should be purchased and installed. Use a pry bar or a hammer claw to remove hardware that is holding the seal in place. Use new hardware pieces to secure the new seal to the underside of the door. Set up the dehumidifier and turn it on. Check the dehumidifier regularly and empty the drain pan as needed.

Treat The Mold

Being exposed to mold can be harmful to your respiratory system. Once the garage is dry, open the garage by lifting the door several feet. Keep a respirator on your face while you clean the mold from the door's interior. Perform an assessment of the door to determine exactly where mold growth is present. You may have initially noticed some black streaks and splotches that are indicative of mold growth, but failed to notice that there is mold growing along the sides of the door or along the exterior side of the door.

During the mold mitigation process, you will need to apply a bleach and soap solution to the mold-covered surfaces. The entire door should be treated. One way to cut through mold quickly is by using a power washer to treat the mold.

The power washer will allow you to adjust the water temperature so that the water stream is hot. The force of the bleach, detergent, and water mixture will loosen mold from the door. A rough sponge can be used to wipe away mold. The entire door, the flooring under it, and the property that is in front of the door should be rinsed off with a strong stream of hot water. 

For more information, contact a garage door repair service near you. 
